Thursday, November 11, 2004

This blog

is still an infant, and still rough in its development. If you have any questions about it, you may send them to me in an email (click on the envelope below) or make a comment for everyone to read. It is great having you on board!


momo said...

thanks for the entertaining read

Arthur said...

Hey Dean- Great blog, even in the infantile stage. I really like your poetry, and actually have a few suggestions. Take them or leave them.
First off, if you haven't heard of Blog Explosion, you should at least check it out. It's a great way to get your blog out to other anxious bloggers, and to get a hold of some good blogs yourself. I just recently tried it, and for the most part, I'm a fan. Check it out here:

Secondly, if the poetry on your site is yours, I would suggest doing some type of copyright protection on your site. Just because you never know. I use a creative commons license agreement. You can check that out (and blog explosion) on my website if you would like:

Either way, great blog. I enjoyed my stay, and keep up the blogging!

Arthur said...

I posted a comment, and it's not showing up. This is a test.