Saturday, November 27, 2004

Something light for a change

(first crush..real name...actual event)


No other girl I knew had hair like that,
with soft 's' curves adorning, rippling down
as perfect foil to that patrician neck.
And as my dreaming roamed twelve feet ahead
I could see nothing else.

When she glanced back, I thought I owned her,
thought I was her only universe, until
as monitor, she broke my reverie,
manipulating time, and space, and me
"You've been looking at me all morning"
...and I was nine again, and could not speak.

Oh, pardon me, has it been sixty years,Joanne,
since I last saw you look at me ?
I HAVE been looking at you, yes it's true
all through that fourth grade morning--all my life.

1 comment:

Dean said...

Yes.....that chunk of it......some silly little things we never forget.