Sunday, November 07, 2004

Getting Started

Just to get the ball rolling, I'll post one of my poems. You are very welcome to comment upon it, and I do not resent even severe criticism. Critiques are one of the important ways we learn, and any of my own stuff on here is fair game. In addition you are always welcome to post any of your own work here, or even to comment upon happenings in the world, if you choose. I promise to react to your posts, so please come back often. Now.....WELCOME!


Here let me rest a little while.
Where the soil is lush and yielding,
where the trees reach out
in one magnificent embrace of mother earth,
silent teachers of an archetypal love
that history could not disclose.

Here let me co-create,
to meet consanguine shadows
rising from maternal clay—here in the heartland,
where my dust congealed,
where the breath is shared again, again...

Moss invades the headstones.
My fingers trace the names, while souls conjoin
and know that flint spark birthed within the cave
burned hotter still in pilgrims' breasts,
still spreads its heat across a continent,
flashing in the eyes of youth,
smoldering upon the page's edge
and poised to leap and dance upon the open hearth,
or to destroy.

Enter, solitude,
and in that place where roots descend,
reach forth as tendrils intertwining with the past,
there grows a new tellurian peace to trace the sun,
earthbound and free,
still calling from the ground to sons unborn,
"Remember me."

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