Thursday, November 25, 2004

Disturbing...must read!

Iraqi Suicide Bombings: the Strausscons and Likudites Sowing Chaos Kurt Nimmo....I also believe it is no mistake U.S. "military planners" are usingwhat are essentially Israeli tactics in Iraq, including fronting theirown "insurgent" groups to engage in terrorism (most recently andsensationally, the abduction and execution of CARE's Margaret Hassan).Israel has a documented history of doing these sorts of things to weakenPalestinian nationalism, including covert support and funding of Hamasand even creating ! a bogus al-Qaeda cell in Gaza. In fact, as NoamChomsky points out in a foreword to Livia Rokach's "Israel's SacredTerrorism," the Zionist state "may have had a substantial role ininitiating and perpetuating violence and conflict" in order to avoidmaking peace with its neighbors (since obviously peace is diametricallyopposed to the idea of Greater Israel)...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo can one oppose war but support our troops' war crimes? Joshua Frank....Clearly no warning was put forth by the US military prior to thebombing of this hospital. And now that the troops have hit the groundrunning, more war crimes have been committed, and in fact captured onfilm. Sadly, the images taken by a NBC news crew embedded with USsoldiers fighting in Fallujah which show the execution of an unarmedIraqi prisoner -- is not an isolated incident. Writing for his blog,ex-Navy Seal, Matthew Heidt, expla! ins the odious rationale forexecuting an unarmed prisoner of war...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 23 November 2004 Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member editorial boardThe Free Arab Voice....The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in al-Fallujah reported that adetachment of Resistance fighters in the Resistance-controlled southernpart of the city and in the eastern al-Fallujah neighborhood ofal-'Askari mounted a powerful attack on the al-Wahdah neighborhood. In areport posted at 12:35pm Tuesday afternoon Mecca time (1:35pm localtime) the Mafka! rat al-Islam correspondent confirmed that theResistance controlled al-Wahdah although there were still some clashesgoing on with US forces outside the outskirts of the neighborhood...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo mistreats Iraq civilians: journalist AP....Saadi said he saw a few people, including a woman and child, killedby bullets as they walked toward the mosque. He and others were taken toa railway station north of Fallujah. Women and children were separatedfrom men, who were kept together in a room so dirty it felt like "ananimal barn". Eventually, about 400 men were crowded into the room.Lines formed for the single toilet. The detainees were given water butno food during their two days at the station, Saadi ! said...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo say US forces killed unarmed civilians Kim Sengupta , The IndependentAllegations of widespread abuse by US forces in Fallujah, including thekilling of unarmed civilians and the targeting of a hospital in anattack, have been made by people who have escaped from the city. Theysaid, in interviews with The Independent, that as well as deaths frombombs and artillery shells, a large number of people including childrenwere killed by American snipers. US forces refused repeated calls formedical ai! d for injured civilians, they said...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo Refugees Dahr Jamail, Electronic Iraq...."I would like to ask the whole world-why is this? I tell thepresidents of the Arab and Muslim countries to wake up! Wake up please!We are being killed, we are refugees from our houses, our children havenothing-not even shoes to wear! Wake up! Wake up! Stop being traitors!Be human beings and not the dummies of the Americans!"...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo Road to BIAP David CornDays ago, I was speaking with a security consultant freshly back from atrip to Iraq, and I asked for his prognosis. It's terrible, he said.We're not winning. "What about Fallujah?" I inquired. "Hasn't the citybeen retaken?" "Forget Falluja," this former military officer said. "Allyou have to know is the road to BIAP cannot be traveled safely."BIAP--that's the Baghdad International Airport...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo People Judge Bush Sara PowellACTIVISTS FROM around the world convened at New York City's MartinLuther King, Jr. High School on Aug. 26 for the Iraq War CrimesTribunal. The New York meeting was one of a series of such tribunals,held in places as diverse as Kyoto, Istanbul and Belgium, to hearwitnesses' accusations that the current U.S. administration hascommitted war crimes in pursuit of its Middle East policy, specificallywith regard to Iraq. An earlier tribunal collected evidence of allegedwar crimes! committed by the Bush administration in Afghanistan. Thecurrent series will culminate in a tribunal in Istanbul, Turkey in 2005.Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo mounts of US war crimes in Fallujah Simon Assaf, Socialist WorkerIraqi doctors have accused the US military of committing a war crimeafter they destroyed a neighbourhood clinic during the assault onFallujah. Dr Saloum Ismael of Doctors for Iraqi Society says missileattacks on the Popular Clinic on 7 November killed a number of patients,staff and two senior doctors-an orthopaedic surgeon and a radiologist.Amnesty International believes up to 20 Iraqi medical staff and dozensof civilians were killed! in the attack....Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo No democracy under occupation Socialist WorkerGeorge Bush and Tony Blair invaded Iraq with 140,000 armed soldiers andbombed the city of Fallujah to dust. Now they claim democratic electionswill go ahead on 30 January. Iyad Allawi, the politician appointed byWashington to run Iraq, has said that elections could be "delayed" inFallujah and other centres of the resistance without it invalidating theoverall result. Democracy then will be available only to those who donot resist an illegal occupation by a! foreign superpower...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo troops raid villages near Baghdad Aljazeera.netUS-led forces swept hotspots south of Baghdad on Wednesday in a push tocapture the area before key January polls. The launch of the hugeoperation on Tuesday came as the international community threw itsweight behind the tight timetable for Iraq's first post-Saddam Husseinelections. In Washington, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said theUnited States would add an unspecified number of troops to its forces inIraq and beef up Iraqi forces ahead of the 30! January vote...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo and the laws of war Richard Hoffman....The United States and world media have focussed on one incident thatoccurred in full view of a television crew-the slaying of adefenceless Iraqi prisoner. It has been portrayed as an isolatedincident. On the contrary, all the independent evidence establishesbeyond any doubt that the killings and destruction committed by USforces were so gross and deliberate that the name Fallujah will berecorded in the history books alongside such infamous atrocities as the19! 37 bombing of Guernica, the crushing of the 1944 Warsaw uprising andthe Vietnam War...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo statement Bellamy speaks out for children in Iraq UNICEFUNICEF today again expressed deep concern about the devastating impactthe hostilities in Iraq is having on the overall well-being of thecountry's children. "This protracted fighting and instability iswreaking havoc on Iraqi children," UNICEF Executive Director CarolBellamy said. In addition to the ongoing difficulties of living amidstdaily violence and widespread insecurity, children are also sufferingfrom the inadequacy of basic services! such as water and sanitation,Bellamy said. "Latest reports are showing that acute malnutrition amongyoung children has nearly doubled since March 2003," she said...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo slams Iraq minister's terror slur The PeninsulaAl Jazeera said the possibility of taking Iraq's defence minister HazimAl Shalan to court for his defamatory remarks that the network was aterrorist channel, was not ruled out. "We are studying legal aspects ofthe minister's public statement, as it puts the lives of Al Jazeera'sjournalists and other employees in Iraq to serious risk," a chanelspokesman told The Peninsula yesterday. Shalan told London-based SharqAl Awsat that Al Jazeera was terrorist ne! twork...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo Offensive Launched South of Baghdad TINI TRAN, Associated Press WriterSome 5,000 U.S. Marines, British troops and Iraqi forces launched a newoffensive Tuesday aimed at clearing a swath of insurgent hotbeds acrossa cluster of dusty, small towns south of Baghdad. The series of raidsand house searches was the third large-scale military operation thismonth aimed at suppressing Iraq's Sunni Muslim insurgency ahead ofcrucial elections set for Jan. 30...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo Journalist Tells of U.S. Captivity MARIAM FAM, Associated PressAn Iraqi journalist who stayed in Fallujah to report on the battle forhis hometown says he and hundreds of other civilians who eventuallyturned themselves in to escape the violence suffered tough, sometimeshumiliating, treatment from American and Iraqi guards. Abdul-Qader Saadisaid he was subjected to multiple searches and interrogations; wentunfed the first two days; was blindfolded and handcuffed; and had tosleep for days in a wooden ca! ge buffeted by cold winds at a desertdetention camp...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo BEHALF OF UNNAMED, UNNUMBERED PATIENTS AND MEDICAL STAFF OF THEFALLUJA GENERAL HOSPITALAGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ASSOCIATION OF HUMANTARIAN LAWYERSLos Angeles-based Humanitarian Law Project/International EducationalDevelopment (HLP/IED and San Francisco-based Association of HumanitarianLawyers (AHL), submitted a petition to the Inter-American Commission onHuman Rights of the Organization of American States on behalf of"unnamed, unnumbered patients and medical staff both liv! ing and dead"at the medical facilities in Falluja. The Commission had authority toinvestigate human rights violations committed by a member State of theOAS and to seek remedies for victims...Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo a site gathering daily

1 comment:

Dean said...

All of us can do something...we do not have to "let go by" things of which we do not long as we have any kind of freedom at all in this country....I think we had better use it. Your thoughts, Easywriter, are always welcome, and I encourage you to speak out. The direction we are moving in now as a nation, is NOT good. We need to do something...more reaching out, more loving, more understanding, more desire to ask questions of our leaders, and insist upon answers.