Thursday, May 08, 2008

Letting go

Letting go

It is as if one had an instrument
to see the self...a view not seen before,
with contours, depths and insights—
source beyond imagining.

That which will come
is of its own, not mine,
maintains its own integrity
and I am there to watch
and let that inner part of me
(that rules the universe)
decide my course—
to walk along, or go another way.

Breath yields
to breathless awe, aware
as if a life had changed its skin;
there is another heart, another peace
to penetrate and far away another spring
becomes a fountainhead for love.
A soul strikes out upon a virgin path;
a song begins.


Anonymous said...

A profound exploration into mystic prayer . . . perhaps the dark night of the soul with its shattering light into the darkest recesses of the soul and the letting go in order to take that other path.

cembalo said...

thank you for commenting. I couldn't find your blog top return the favor!