Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Villain's Song

The Villain's Song

Now there is some sort of truth in flashes,
a challenge to endure,
to let the change within me speak,
the words not mine alone,
but of that mystery that feeds me
from the spring of life,
the axiom of who I am.
However I may fight the god within me—
tear out his heart lodged stubbornly
within my chest, once more.

And yet the end is mine;
the means upon my hands,
the surging life my talisman.
It is the sweetness cloying,
the simpering surrender underneath my feet,
the colloquy of rage that fires my lust
of conquest now before the burning dies.
The skies are tempered now
with some divine forgetfulness enabling
a kingdom's power, a trust left far behind.

That glimmering across a far horizon fades
and truth is relative; the whispers
of an old, worn-out eternity
are now discarded as a dream
of old millenia, now let it go.
There is a triumph waiting over there,
clear, but light upon my mind
like blood beneath the snow.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Letting go

Letting go

It is as if one had an instrument
to see the self...a view not seen before,
with contours, depths and insights—
source beyond imagining.

That which will come
is of its own, not mine,
maintains its own integrity
and I am there to watch
and let that inner part of me
(that rules the universe)
decide my course—
to walk along, or go another way.

Breath yields
to breathless awe, aware
as if a life had changed its skin;
there is another heart, another peace
to penetrate and far away another spring
becomes a fountainhead for love.
A soul strikes out upon a virgin path;
a song begins.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Listening to the Silence

Listening to the Silence
(a tribute to the thought of Eckhart Tolle)

Unsought and arrow-like,
an instant happiness speeds in upon the virgin mind
when all desire is valueless;
the choice of misery an incandescent now,
burning out without a warning, gasping
as an infant left to wonderwhere the love is...

There is a way,
for there is silence everywhere to hear—
beneath the rocks, beneath technology,
beneath the roaring vanity of lust,
and when the ear will leave a space for consciousness,
there is an unexpected joy, impossibly defined,
a single-mindedness that understands the now.

You are already on the path;
there is no need for time.
You will not find it anywhere,
but there within you is a strange one
that you thought you knew.
Sit down, and look him over.
You have no need for clever thoughts,
for he is God...
and he is You.

Intimations of Hell

Intimations of Hell

From out of that preserve one cannot see,
from every soft dimension of the new
that forms itself where ether trembles, parts
and yields, where intellect threw up its hands
and words were not came.

One hundred thousand glances down, and then
belief suspends and breaks away;
it is as if there is no path back home,
the self departed,
sent a stranger in,
the body is an empty drum
regarded warily.
Identity awaits an infant now
alas, too late arriving
and the niche anticipates,

Thursday, May 01, 2008

I think

I think

and righteous indignation flares...
the essence of defining is prestige.
So may I learn to love.
So may I cease to predicate
my wisdom on cliche,
my fatherland, my god.

So may my pride swell valiantly
when I may see
a beauty only, not a fault
in every soul who breathes upon the earth.
May I be blind,
may I be weak
and drop the gavel from my hand
as everyman walks by...
for there is grace in front of me
and all the lack of it is mine.

My love must flow from deep inside
my heart and not my mind,
and if I make of it, a product
of my intellect I want to feel
the heat of shame upon my cheek,
the rising scourge of judgement
I alone may throw
upon my sorry flesh; I need accept
no less than fire upon my head.

Were I the less humane
and lack a god to thunder at me,
I should be a bootless cinder
wandering within the cold embrace
of some divine contemptuous space.

In point of fact,
I am.