Friday, February 08, 2008

Greater Things than These

Greater Things than These

There was uncommon breath
in that wild wind that swept across the sky...
a surging barely understood, and there
to claim the reason we believe.

Did you see it there, creating? Leaving us
a time before the night comes on
to be ourselves, to shout against the storm
that in the knowing there is power
all the more for being undefined.

How far beyond our fantasy
is such contentment bred
from missing echoes
tearing at the flood of consciousness,
roaring at desire, demanding fire
upon the tinder of a dry and hopeless heart!

Then is the wellspring fresh and nourishing
out of the ground abandoned in despair.
Then is the wondrous moment we may see
emerging from our hands, a genesis undreamed,
the very instant of a prophecy that two millenia
upon the promise of a ragged Hebrew Lord
awaited, trembling, that day.

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