Sunday, December 09, 2007

To seek the "I"

To Seek the "I"

Amoeba swims...
unconscious consciousness and then
a growling in the earth...
divide, and multiply and co-create
and life encounters life;
the ganglia reach out...and touch!

Now there is one again, comprised of two
and as I trace the "I," I think I know
right up to the edge of my awareness;
there's a dangling thread
that reaches in between the dark,
still causing me to wonder at the little boy
who stood there in his coveralls
content to watch the world,
and not inclined to undertake a trip
back to the womb for insight.

That is my beginning?
An egg and an intrepid tad
out on the town? No blinding light,
no "ta da" from the band?
...and my hotel without a single star?
No, thanks.

There must be more
than just a one-celled shiver with a friend
to make an end to nothingness.
Just who pronounces me an "I"
a nano moment following the void?
...for I did not.

Aha, break out your best champagne,
for if there is no death of consciousness
there is no birth; around the sifted solid
where we just presume to play, the kindly guides
prepare our downy beds again for astral flight
as they have done each night, a scant eternity
without the slightest, "Thank you,
I shall have another glass." Perhaps

it's best that we not speculate
on origins of knowing who we are, and why.
Perhaps, indeed, discovery of what it is to be
is cosmic study quite enough
for this our tiny corner of infinity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To seek the I,,,,,
This I understood,,, I so enjoyed it,,, haven't had the chance to read more, my eyes are dimming with so much wonderful words I've read today,,, even the meanies get read,,, Bless you and Thank you for allowing me into your web,,, Marie