Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Listening to the Silence

Listening to the Silence
(a tribute to the thought of Eckhart Tolle)

Unsought and arrow-like,
an instant happiness speeds in upon the virgin mind
when all desire is valueless;
the choice of misery an incandescent now,
burning out without a warning, gasping
as an infant left to wonderwhere the love is...

There is a way,
for there is silence everywhere to hear—
beneath the rocks, beneath technology,
beneath the roaring vanity of lust,
and when the ear will leave a space for consciousness,
there is an unexpected joy, impossibly defined,
a single-mindedness that understands the now.

You are already on the path;
there is no need for time.
You will not find it anywhere,
but there within you is a strange one
that you thought you knew.
Sit down, and look him over.
You have no need for clever thoughts,
for he is God...
and he is You.

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